Sunday, August 24, 2008

Saturday, History and Culture...

Yesterday was another great day. We picked up my parents and headed to Hannibal to see the USS LST-325. My dad is and always has been a huge history buff. So it was a given that we were going to go and see this World War II Ship. They had it set up that the public could actually go onto the ship and tour it. How often in the Mid-West is there a war ship on the Mississippi River? I am so glad that we went!!! I found it hard to imagine how the men that served on that ship actually survived it. It seemed so primitive to me. Madison even told me that she was glad that we went. For you history buffs here is the website for this particular ship: USS LST-325

After we finished with our history lesson we headed for a bite to eat. Then it was onto Quincy for the German-Fest... We tasted German food & Beer. They had the Quincy German something-or-other band playing. It seems that German polka is WAYYYYY different than the Polish Polkas that I have grown up with. And it seems that the Germans like their beer. Every couple of songs they were toasting to their German Beer.... LOL It was fun and we laughed ALOT. It was a well rounded day for the family. And we all had a great time.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Madison's First Day of School...

First day of school.... And boy am I feeling it. Good thing she only goes 1/2 day today. LOL how pitiful is that?
Anyhow we had a great morning. She got out of bed like a champ and was ready for school before I was!! LOL We walked to the bus stop and talked the whole way. Now I go and get her in about 1/2 hour. I am thrilled that she wants to be a girl scout! That really made Mike and I happy. Hard to believe that she is in Second grade already. Anyhow since today is the first day of school I decided to post her school picture from last year.

I hope that everyones day is going great.

Monday, August 18, 2008

My Dad Rocks!!!!!

OK, for those of you who do not know my mom and I are getting ready to undertake making Cathedral Rose Window Afghan

However I have to wait until my mom gets finished with her current afghan. Which is no big deal because I am working on a friends late Birthday present and I have a few UFO's that I need to finish before I try to make this mega whompin afghan. It will be either 6 1/2 feet wide or 9 feet wide. I am not sure. Depends on who you talk to and which pattern they use.

Anyhow, my dad is a truck driver and got in Friday night. Mom and I showed him this pattern and he thought it was as beautiful as we did and gave us money to go to Wal-Mart to get yarn. So at 10pm friday night mom and I were at Wal-mart buying yarn (our 2nd yarn trip that day) Then Saturday, guess what he bought mom and I??
This cute Yarn caddy/organizer!!! Mom got a blue one and I got a pink one. I love it!!!
My dad is as supportive as my hubby is about my crocheting!!!
Thanks Dad you Rock!!!!

Mom's twin Afghan...

This is one that my mom made and had in a box to get rid of......
yeah like I was going to let some stranger have one of her afghans!!
Now it is Madisons!!!!

My Mom's Granny Square

This is the Granny Square that my mom made when I was little. while I was growing up it was always on the couch.
Another piece of family memories/history that I inherited!
(My kitty Jinx loves it!)

My Great-Aunt Helen's Afghan

This is an afghan that my great Aunt Helen made years ago. My mom had it and this past weekend she handed it down to me. I am so thrilled to have this!!!
(BTW: it is HUGE!!!!)

This is my best friend Lissa and my daughter Madison (Madi) This was on her birthday when she turned 7 this year. Boy oh boy time is flying!!!

Izzy and her blanket!!!

It is a picture like this that makes crocheting all worth while!!! This is my best friend Lissa's daughter Isabella and the blanket that I made for her. They were over one day and she kept getting into my yarn tote and playing with this fuzzy yarn and rubbing it on her cheek. She when they left I got busy and made her a blanket with it.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm Back Home!!!!

Well at the weee hours Thursday morning I went to my mom & dad's for the weekend. And we had a blast!!!! It was a wonderful weekend. They took Madison to the carnival and spoiled her rotten. We cooked out, made lemonade shake-ups, watched some of the Olympics...... and laughed ALOT.
They moved recently and Mom gave me some wonderful family heirlooms! An afghan that was crocheted by my great- aunt Helen. The granny square afghan that she made while us kids were really little. And an octagon afghan that she made. I am so thrilled. Maybe it is because I am crocheting and none of my other siblings do. My dad spoiled mom and I big-time! He got the both of us a really cute yarn organizer thing. I love it and it is so cute!!!! I will post pictures tomorrow of everything.

Mom and I are gearing up to make some homemade peach jam. Then earlier tongiht my best friend Lisa came over and told me that she will bring me a huge box of apples from her trees. (she has 2 in her yard) My theory is waste no- want not anymore. The prices of things are so dang high!!!! So next year I will have a garden that will keep me plenty busy and I will be a canning/ freezing busy-bee.

Ok it is getting late and I am pooped. Happy stitching everyone!!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Madison's favorite throw

Again with the fuzzies....she loves them. I am going to do one in yellow very soon

Victorian lace throw

This one worked up so fast I had it done in less than 2 days!!!
I cannot get the hang of the pineapple edgings so I made up my own.
You can get the pattern HERE

SUPER fuzzy Throw.....

I am knitting this one. This is for my mom who saw it on the knitting needles and fell in love with it.

Blue Ripple

This is the blue ripple throw that I made for my friends little girl Isabella.... she love the fuzzies on her cheeks:)

Round Ripple Afghan

I love, Love, Love, this pattern. I have made so many of these the past couple of months.......

In case you are wondering......

I am moving all of the posts from my old blog to this one. Just in case anyone is wondering what it is that I am doing.......

Happy stitching everyone!!!!

2 new bags & Bear

Ok I worked today on finishing 2 more bags. They are made out of Vintage yarn from way back when I was little and K-mart sold yarn!! LOL

I made the small one for Madison my daughter and the other I am going to put up for Barter.

Again you can get the pattern HERE

My First Haekelbeutel bag!!

I am NOT addicted.... I am NOT!!! ROFL Anyhow it is just after midnight here and had to post what I just finished!!!!

I came across this pattern Sunday night....and put everything on the side to give this a try....


Works up so fast and is totally effortless. I will be making TONS more in all kinds of yarn combos. LOL

You can get the pattern HERE

This will be the bag that Lisa'a throw goes into...

Chenille Stash

Here is what is left of my chenille yarn stash.....

Judy's Throw...

This is for my adopted son Kevin's birth mom, Judy. She loves to watch me stitch so when she comes to visit I get it out and work on it so that she can see it being made. That and she loves horror movies, so we watch movies, snack and I stitch.....What fun!!! We love it and it works for us

Bonnie's Throw

This is the throw that I am working on for my friend Bonnie. She and I stitch together when we can. We are each making a throw for the other and we only work on them when we are together.......

In Search of this Popcorn Afghan Pattern

Tuesday, August 12, 2008, 12:47 PM CST

My mom crochet this afghan for myself and all of my siblings when we were little. Now our kids want Grandma to make them some. But we have lost the pattern and have no clue who created it or where it came from. If anyone has any info on this one, please hollar at me:)

Well yesterday I started a throw for my best friend. She picked the colors and I am stitching it for her.

I am using I Love This Yarn #570- Cranapple Stripe And black. I am doing 2 strands at once with an "N" hook. It is going very fast and looking neater than I thought that it would.