Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm Back Home!!!!

Well at the weee hours Thursday morning I went to my mom & dad's for the weekend. And we had a blast!!!! It was a wonderful weekend. They took Madison to the carnival and spoiled her rotten. We cooked out, made lemonade shake-ups, watched some of the Olympics...... and laughed ALOT.
They moved recently and Mom gave me some wonderful family heirlooms! An afghan that was crocheted by my great- aunt Helen. The granny square afghan that she made while us kids were really little. And an octagon afghan that she made. I am so thrilled. Maybe it is because I am crocheting and none of my other siblings do. My dad spoiled mom and I big-time! He got the both of us a really cute yarn organizer thing. I love it and it is so cute!!!! I will post pictures tomorrow of everything.

Mom and I are gearing up to make some homemade peach jam. Then earlier tongiht my best friend Lisa came over and told me that she will bring me a huge box of apples from her trees. (she has 2 in her yard) My theory is waste no- want not anymore. The prices of things are so dang high!!!! So next year I will have a garden that will keep me plenty busy and I will be a canning/ freezing busy-bee.

Ok it is getting late and I am pooped. Happy stitching everyone!!!!

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