Sunday, August 24, 2008

Saturday, History and Culture...

Yesterday was another great day. We picked up my parents and headed to Hannibal to see the USS LST-325. My dad is and always has been a huge history buff. So it was a given that we were going to go and see this World War II Ship. They had it set up that the public could actually go onto the ship and tour it. How often in the Mid-West is there a war ship on the Mississippi River? I am so glad that we went!!! I found it hard to imagine how the men that served on that ship actually survived it. It seemed so primitive to me. Madison even told me that she was glad that we went. For you history buffs here is the website for this particular ship: USS LST-325

After we finished with our history lesson we headed for a bite to eat. Then it was onto Quincy for the German-Fest... We tasted German food & Beer. They had the Quincy German something-or-other band playing. It seems that German polka is WAYYYYY different than the Polish Polkas that I have grown up with. And it seems that the Germans like their beer. Every couple of songs they were toasting to their German Beer.... LOL It was fun and we laughed ALOT. It was a well rounded day for the family. And we all had a great time.

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