Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wow Everyone!!!!

First I am amazed at how well everyone likes my latest crochet items!! Your comments really made my day. (And I needed it)

This has been a very trying week. We have found out that Madison does not have ADHD like we all thought. Instead she has been diagnosed with Oppositional Defiance Disorder.... O.D.D.
So this past week has been Counseling, Dr's, and whatever else life had thrown at me. It has been a rough one. However, it is nothing that we cannot handle. And if we stick with the care plan Madison will be just fine through all of this. (I have to wonder how I will be... LOL)

On top of that I had a friend who was very dear to me stay with us. I am down as her medical power of atty and well she was in bad shape..... so we thought. Last week I took her to her Dr. appt. and well she is just fine. All of her tests are ok, blood work great, the only thing that she needs to work on is her blood sugar. Friday I was gone all day dealing with things with Madison to come home and find that she had gotten into MY meds and helped herself. I am on some pretty potent meds for my neck while I wait for surgery. I always take great care to be very careful when I have to take them due to them being narcotics and the regulations on them are very strict. Well I have only a few left thanks to her. So needless to say she is out of here. I told her family that she in fact is NOT on her death bed and that was a shock to most of them. Her son Chris was with when we went to her Dr appt. and he heard the news just like I did. The sad part is that she has known this for some time now. Anyhow...... I have survived this week, and look forward to doing more stitching. I am selling my crochet items to raise money for co-pays for Madisons appointments and the huge deductable for the psychiatrist. If the prices are too high on my items and you really want something, just drop me an E-mail and we can negotiate......

Thanks so much for the kind words on my items......
I hope to be able to figure out some more neat things to make very soon!!!!


Bonne said...

Bummer~I'm just happy to hear it wasn't Madi that got into the meds!
Yeah, have to watch out for BS stories from people who are basically looking for the attention their supposed "illness" gets. Chemical dependency can be alcohol, pills and illegal drugs~you just never know what's in people's heads when they suffer from mood altering chemical dependencies. My neighbor/good friend just went into rehab after BS-ing me for almost 2 yrs. **sigh** it's so depressing. Hope your friend gets help too. hugs, B

Lisa Brawner said...

Hope your friend got help . I hope you and madi are enjoying the holidays and everyone is healthy and fine