Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Kent Critters

Well I have promised a few friends that I would post pictures of our critters. We have 2 cats and a guinea pig. This is Shadow. He is the baby of the bunch & Madison's faithful companion.

Here is my baby Abby. Madison calls her Crabby Abby because she only likes me and will have no part of Madison's games. I never knew that I could love a cat as much as I do her.

Here is Abby & Shadow, I love it when they are like this. They play ALOT and are always making us laugh.

And here is my number two baby, Sammy. We rescued him last summer and he was in pitiful shape, I did not have the heart to turn him away when he was in dire need of a little love and care. He sits right next to me all of the time.

My latest plastic canvas projects

My MIL just finished celebrating her 69th birthday. She is a wonderful woman who I look up to all of the time. I wanted to do something special for her, so I found a plastic canvas pattern with the pink awareness ribbon. She has survived cervical cancer AND breast cancer. So I thought that this was fitting. Also in the picture is a tissue box cover for my scrap-nook. I like it because there are pockets on each side to hold pens, markers, & such.

I have also been working on goodies for Valentines Day. Here are 3 tissue box covers that I have made. Not sure where they will go, but I am sure that I will figure it all out. LOL

Also, I have been busy making more goodies for Madison's class for Valentines Day. Here are the "Love-Bugs"

A closer look:

This is what I am sending to Madison's Teacher this year. They are open, (you can put goodies into the pants as well as the skirt) I have a set that I put Valentine candy in.

I love how their "bums" are, LOL

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Snowman Soup Anyone?????

I had a blast making these!!! We handed them out for Christmas this year and they were a HUGE hit!!! We are just waiting for winter to get here *giggle*

Too Cute!!!

I have the Sweet Tooth stamp set from The Greeting Farm and I LOVE it!!!! I am having a blast making little 3x3 cards, lined envelopes and box to put them in!!!!

Madison's first card!!!

I am so proud!!! Madison decided to scrap with me today and made her first ever official card!!!
Grandma's birthday is coming up and well...

Stationary box

While surfing the split coast stampers forums, I found a tutorial for a stationary set. It looked quite complicated, but I figured that I would try it anyhow. I was amazed at how easy it was to follow the directions! I did it in 2 different blues, I was using card stock that was plain, thinking that I was going to mess it up. What a surprise when it actually turned out. So I kept looking at it in thought of my neighbor Joyce, who is so kind & thoughtful and always backing or cooking something for the neighborhood. So my stationary box turned into a kitchen box! I can't wait to give it to her!

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Has it been 2 years???? Really??

Wow I have been away for so long! Actually I forgot all about this blog. Then my "cuttle" friend Diedra, who has been my enabler, sent me the most wonderful goodies in the mail and wants to see what I have done with them. I was trying to figure out how to share my pictures with her, and then I remembered that I had started a blog, so here I am!!

I have started a whole new obsession... "SCRAP BOOKING!"
I met "D" through Split Coast Stampers "" , and we have been talking ever since. So here are some pictures of how I am TRYING to get my supplies organized:

This is the cubby that Mike & Uncle Jr made for me over Christmas break. I asked them to make 1 column a bit wider then the others, and it is working out great! I found the tutorial on the Split coast stampers forum, here is the link:
Foam Board Cabinet:

This is another organizer thingy that Mike made for my inks. It is amazing what you can make out of foam board from the dollar tree!!! See the awesome card on the top? It is a "d" creation!!! LOL I found the tutorial here:

Next is the DVD stand that my wonderful MIL gave to me. She has been watching my addiction grow and decided to help me a bit:) Most of the stamps came from "D" My sizzix dies & empty cases are on the top.

OK, so I have covered my organization part of all of this. I am going to help Madi make lunch then I will post more.